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start feeding puffer fish hard food


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I don’t know if it will work for your puffer. This is a recommended method I came across for encouraging kuhli loaches to eat snails. Maybe it could work for a puffer. 

But you could try crushing a snails shell between you fingers. Not pulverizing it, but breaking it into pieces, the see if your puffer will eat that. If that works you can do that for awhile, then try to work in some whole live snails. 

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It's not unusual for them to no eat shrimp in my experience. I've had live shrimp last months in the tank with my 3 spotted congo puffers. 

Not eating snails in a new one though. I would try not feeding their usual food for a few days. If they are hungry mine tend to atleast bite at anything I drop in the tank.

Out of curiosity what are they currently eating as their primary food?

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