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Fluval Aquasky suggestions?


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I recently bought a Fluval Aquasky light. I want great growth out of my plants in my 10 gallon tank.  I have a Rosette sword, staurogyne repens, hairgrass, some land moss that I converted to submersed growth and was doing ok for a while but is now not looking so good, and just put in an unidentified plant that was mislabeled at PetSmart as hornwort but I think might be some type of pipewort (eriocaulon). I'm considering taking the land moss out since it isn't doing well and adding a dwarf lily from aquarium co-op and some guppy grass and maybe attaching some windelov java fern or java moss or some other moss like flame moss or Christmas moss to the wood structure in the tank. The tank will eventually have Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish in it once I can get it to grow in dense enough. What kind of light schedule would you guys and gals suggest or think would be great for the types of plans I have for this tank? I wanted to mimic the light in nature in North Florida but it isn't necessary as long as I can get great growth and get the tank to have plenty of jungle-like areas but also a place where I can see the fish. Also, what would you suggest as tank mates for the pygmy sunfish? They would have to leave the baby sunfish alone . I was thinking either celestial pearl danios, guppies, endler's live-bearers, or chili rasboras but their water parameters must match the pygmy sunfish. Any thoughts?

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24 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

We have a Fluval 3.0 thread, which might be helpful with scheduling:

And there is also a similar thread for the AquaSky:


Thank you. I didn't know about the thread for the Aquasky. I already looked at the one for the Plant Spectrum 3.0 but it doesn't have green and has 2 extra types of white.

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50 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

@Furby, I think you should post your plant question in your tank journal, or as its own thread.

As far as Florida light, I have only been there on vacation.

My generic recommendation is always more plants.

My tank journal? Where is that?

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