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Is this the right substrate for my new tank?


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I just got a 40 breeder that I will use for a planted tank. I will have low to medium light plants, no CO2, easy fish (white cloud minows, amano shrimp, nerite snails, maybe some local minnows from the creek, and hopefully some CPDs). I have a 36" Plant 3.0 light so light won't be an issue. 

I'm just not sure about the right substrate. I like the darker look. Seachem flourite Dark seems like it would work, but CarobSea Eco Complete (Black) might be better for the plants. I might just use the Eco Complete in areas I want rooted plants, and the flourite where I want ryzome and other water column feeders. 

Are there other substrates I should look at? ANy reason either of these not a good option? Or just use root tabs and whatever substrate with the right color, size, and texture?

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Those are all great. I have used them all in the past and have had great success with all of them. If you look on-line or on YouTube, you'll see people posting pros and cons for all of them, however I think most of it is splitting hairs. They all worked fine for me. However I did switch to UNS Controsoil in my latest tank. It comes in black and brown...I used brown as you can see. I switched to this because you don't have to rinse it and it doesn't make your water cloudy at all. It's so great...after my tank was set up and things settle down a bit, I had to add more of the soil, and I poured it right in where I wanted it, and no discoloration whatsoever of the water. It's so easy to work with.

Tank - Buce 2.jpg

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