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Female Kribensis HELP!!


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Hello all! I have a breeding pair of kribs that spawned about 3-4 weeks ago. Was my first time dealing with cichlid spawning. Long story short, they didn’t make it. Partially my lack of knowledge accompanied with savage tank mates.

I rearranged the tank shortly after to help curb the huge spike in aggression coming from the male krib. While they were making a new cave they stirred up a spot where I have some root tabs. (Have since moved the plants and what was left of the tab). But over the past week, I’ve noticed the female acting rather strange. She’s been hiding in the caves and I’ve only noticed her coming out for brief periods of time along with having slightly bulging eyes. Her eyes have gotten much worse over the past few days and I’m starting to notice white marks on random parts f her body. Some mild aggression from the male fish causing the female fish to freeze and start shaking. All other fish are fine though Caveat, I did have another fish die about 3 weeks ago by unknown cause and no diseases that I could see.

anyone have any ideas?? Please help!!!! Is it dropsy, ammonia related from the root tab, or the aggression?




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No hanging out by the surface just kind of rests you n the bottom sometimes, slight lethargy, haven’t noticed her eat nearly as much as normal. Random short bursts of aggression from the male but only last for a second or 2 then he minds his own business. She hides in the caves they dug quite a bit. Guarding eggs maybe?

Before water change last night:

nitrate 10

nitrite 0

hardness 200

kh 100

ph 7.6

ammonia 0

picture is after water change this morning

other readings are the same as well


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Your ammonia looks to be 0.25 to me so I would do another small water change with both eyes swollen that can be caused by a bacterial infections or a growth behind the eyes less likely to be an injury what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if she not eating dose the tank @TyH


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@Colu I haven’t noticed her eating much when I put food in the tank. So looking like I’ll need to dose the tank. The directions on the Maracyn says to use a full packet per 10 gallons. I have a 10 empty gallon tank with sponge filter and some catappa leaves I just set up for this purpose. Keep the sponge filter running? (I have it turned to the lowest flow setting right now) the extra sponge in the picture was pulled from the tank she came from for a “instant cycle” filled with half tank water half new water.

I purchased the Maracyn from aquarium co op, will that have the same effects/directions as the maracyn 2? I also don’t have any aquarium salt, is that necessary for this process?


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On 10/13/2024 at 4:01 AM, TyH said:

Alos, do I add the fish then the meds or meds then the fish or does it matter? Do I need to acclimate the fish to the hospital tank? My first time having to medicate a fish


I recommend getting aquarium salt it will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye maracyn2 is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment you can treat with Maracyn add the fish turn up the air pump as medication changes the Viscosity of the water lowering levels of dissolved oxygen  add an extra air stone and then add the medication 

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She’s been in the hospital tank for a couple days. No significantly noticeable change/improvement. I can’t get her to eat anything. Tried all three foods I always feed-blood worms, tropical flake, beef heart flake. Not sure if it’s due to not being able to see with her eyes the way they are. Tried using a dropper to put right in front of her and still nothing. Any suggestions?

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Just keep treating with the antibiotic treatment and aquarium salt it can take 5 days before you see any improvement if your seeing no improvement after the Frist course I would follow up with a second course of maracyn or switch to maracyn2 or kanaplex 

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On 10/15/2024 at 2:39 PM, Colu said:

Just keep treating with the antibiotic treatment and aquarium salt it can take 5 days before you see any improvement if your seeing no improvement after the Frist course I would follow up with a second course of maracyn or switch to maracyn2 or kanaplex 


I have to go out of town for 3 days on the 5th day of treatment, should I leave in the hospital tank while I’m gone, or put her back in the community tank and start second treatment when I get back?

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