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floaters for a lil betta

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mom and I decided on plants: several anubias varieties (already have them), some buce, maybe java fern plants (as my java fern has been making plantlets like crazy ever since I've been dosing potassium). For background plants we're gonna do pogostemon stellatus octopus and cryptocorne lucens. She wants floaters but we're unsure what would be best. I haven't grown floaters before.

Amazon frogbit and water chestnut are illegal in my state so these are not an option. The tank is 5.5 gallons.

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What kind of filter do you have? Red root floaters are nice, their roots don’t get excessively long like some others. They are sensitive to being beaten apart by filters. 

Crypt lucens is a very short plant by the way. 


Edited by MWilk
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On 9/11/2024 at 10:23 AM, MWilk said:

What kind of filter do you have? Red root floaters are nice, their roots don’t get excessively long like some others. They are sensitive to being beaten apart by filters. 

Crypt lucens is a very short plant by the way. 


It is a 10 gallon Hang on the back filter. Flow can be adjusted to an extent. 

on the crypt - Yes, that's mainly the reason we want it... "background" is the only way I could try to describe the placement of the plants. the scape is hard to explain lol 😂 and im tired 🤣

On 9/11/2024 at 10:23 AM, MWilk said:

What kind of filter do you have? Red root floaters are nice, their roots don’t get excessively long like some others. They are sensitive to being beaten apart by filters. 

Crypt lucens is a very short plant by the way. 


I've heard their roots get a weird mushy algae / film on them... is this so? Think I heard this in an FTR vid from Fish For Thought once. but i could be mistaken

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Water Lettuce is the only true floating plant that has actually done well for me. Other things I've grown floating and love are Pearlweed (makes a fun floating mat) and Pennywort. I've heard Salvinia is invincible but the variety I have has not exactly thrived, lol.

And yes - Crypt lucens is the tiniest crypt I've ever had. Literally the same size as crypt parva!

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My RRF never really seem to have red roots until I take them out of the water to sell them. 

looking from the outside, they just look like roots. 

Sorry the tank isn’t exactly picture ready  



Edited by MWilk
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