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Best algae eating tank mates for kribensis


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Hello all! Just re-did my 55 planted community tank. Have 3 kribensis (1M 1F and 1 juvenile male), 10 harlequins, 4 serpae tetras, 4 black ruby barb. All are juveniles aside from the first two mentioned kribs. Wanting to get a clean up crew lined up for if/when algae starts to accumulate. Anyone have any suggestions or experience?

P.S.—I’ve read that plecos are a good match but might uproot my plants. I’ve seen Garra’s are another option but I’ve never had any before. I’m assuming kribs would make quick work of shrimp. Also read that kribs wouldn’t be too fond of oto’s or SAE?

Any help and info is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!🍻

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I don't have any personal experience with kribensis, but I have heard that they are peaceful for the most part but can be pretty aggressive during spawning or breeding. I wouldn't think SAEs would be an issue? SAEs can get pretty large, 5 or 6 inches, maybe even more! Even if your kribs had a little bit of aggression SAEs are large enough that it wouldn't be that big of a concern.

I wouldn't recommend otos. They are great algae eaters but they are small and shy. 

Finally, just throwing this out there for you to research (I am not saying this is a good match, I have no clue, but perhaps you could research more) an amano shrimp or two might do a fabulous job. They are great algae eaters.

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On 9/3/2024 at 1:08 PM, TyH said:

P.S.—I’ve read that plecos are a good match but might uproot my plants. 

If you're getting smaller (under 7 or 8 inches) pleco species, I highly doubt this. Unless you just planted them, the plec should not be strong enough to uproot them. They are really good chewers though and while eating algae off of plants they may damage very delicate plants, like some species of najas. They do this on accident but still should be mentioned. 

Overall, a bristlenose would not uproot established plants. They are big waste-makers in terms of poo, but being a 55 gallon this isn't a worry, especially if you gravel vac. And of course they do need fed bottom wafers and such.

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On 9/3/2024 at 1:35 PM, clownbaby said:

I don't have any personal experience with kribensis, but I have heard that they are peaceful for the most part but can be pretty aggressive during spawning or breeding. I wouldn't think SAEs would be an issue? SAEs can get pretty large, 5 or 6 inches, maybe even more! Even if your kribs had a little bit of aggression SAEs are large enough that it wouldn't be that big of a concern.

I wouldn't recommend otos. They are great algae eaters but they are small and shy. 

Finally, just throwing this out there for you to research (I am not saying this is a good match, I have no clue, but perhaps you could research more) an amano shrimp or two might do a fabulous job. They are great algae eaters.

I had a pretty good size SAE that was given to me. It was actually bullying the kribs and nipping at some of the other fish. Was about 4 inches give or take. Maybe if I start with juvy SAE’s and get a couple?

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On 9/3/2024 at 5:19 PM, TyH said:

had a pretty good size SAE that was given to me. It was actually bullying the kribs and nipping at some of the other fish.

That could work. But cichlid behavior is variable. and breeding behavior brings out the worst sometimes. In a 55g, you could try a few of those for the hair type algaes, and possibly a few bristlenose for the surface algae. But be prepared to move both, depending on mama's behavior 

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