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Breeding 3x Species of US Natives

Fish Folk

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Well, I’ve gone completely native…


I spent the late spring spawning Etheostoma zonale (Banded Darters) from Ohio. Mature males sport very good looking green colors…


Attrition of surviving fry is steep. I began with ca. 30x…

But ended with less than a dozen after a few months…

Well, this past week, I added these juvys to the parent’s 29 gal. I caught this little fella hanging out on the Aponogeton yesterday…

My kind friend gave me a stash of extra live blackworms and scuds…


I seeded all my tanks and tubs 🤩

Deciding to pull in a yield of Elassoma gilberti (Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish), which also can take on stunning colors…


… I brought 15x down to an empty 20ong in my basement…

These guys need a diet that includes regular feeding of BBS.

After many months of spawning, my Alabama strain of Notropis chrosomus (Rainbow Shiners) have continued spawning every 3x weeks or so. If you get the right strain, they’re one of the best looking US native minnows out there…



I use floating flow-through fry trays (hillbilly hack of Master Breeder Dean’s elegant design)…

Probably a hundred in this latest hatch.



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