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Black neon swollen belly


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Hey there, I need some help with 2 of my black neons that have very swollen bellies. 

Last October I had one black neon that become so swollen and was starting to become disfigured and unable to swim so I decided it was best to euthanize it. After it passed I exasperated it and clear fluid was released so it wasn’t an egg bound female. When it first started to show signs of a bloated belly it was very slight so I did a course of Paraclease and nothing changed. I did an epsom salt soak and it just seemed to get worse. I was never able to figure out what it was and everything has been fine in my tank since then. Now I have 2 that seem to be going through the same thing and I’m starting to think maybe it is just old age and there isn’t anything I can do. My tank is a 20 gallon long that has been set up for 3 years and my school of black neons have been in the tank the entire time which maybe puts them at 3-4 years old. Could this be just early signs of organs starting to shut down? 
The pictures of the fish by itself in a cup is the fish that passed last year. The 2 in the tank are the ones that are currently bloated. I took pictures of my water parameters for reference too. Thanks all in advance. 









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Looking at how swollen the body is it looks like fluid buildup in the body cavity that's can be caused by organ failure or bacterial infections treatment wise you could quarantine and add aquarium or epsom salt to help reduce the fluid buildup and do a course of maracyn2 even with treatment the prognosis is poor @aswebothshook

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That’s what I was thinking it was is just the slow decline of internal organs. Other than being swollen they are still continuing to eat and school normally but it seems it could just be old age. Thanks for confirming what I thought it all was. 

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On 9/1/2024 at 5:20 AM, aswebothshook said:

That’s what I was thinking it was is just the slow decline of internal organs. Other than being swollen they are still continuing to eat and school normally but it seems it could just be old age. Thanks for confirming what I thought it all was. 

I would consider humanly euthanizing with clove oil given how swollen it is 

Edited by Colu
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