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Stressed out, need answer on disease. Please answer.

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One day my betta ended up hurting itself (not sure if hole is head, doesn't really look like it for most bettas with pinholes), I've only had it for about 4-5 days and it has had a fast breathing rate since I got it. It is in nearly perfect water parameters after being put in a 2mo planted 10gal / 40L cycled tank (no parasites or anything from the tank), I would post a picture but it's literally too active and moves around too fast for me to get a good picture without it being blurry or unclear due to bad camera quality.

I've been dosing 5ml of stress coat each day for the past 4 days, and stuff like ammonia, nitrites, etc. are low levels and in check. 6.4 pH, acclimated it properly and water levels were almost the exact same from the store since they're using RO/DI water and so am I, although I do plan to re-mineralize it again once it gets more adapted.
I think it is just injuries since it has got the first layer of it's skin torn off in some spots on it's head, and the next day it has a cloudy eye on one side which I believe develops a lot longer than 8h from infections, as every morning and the night before things like this, it wouldn't be like this and happened briefly in short periods.
That's why I believe it's from injuries

It is VERY, very active (I think too active), vibrant colors, spread out fins/not clamped, and eating very well and still getting excited seeing me, although it does have a faster breathing rate but I think that's from reflection flaring which I am slowly getting it reduce more and more testing with lighting and taping poster board on the sides since the back covered wasn't enough apparently. Note that I am not overfeeding or bloating it, I've owned bettas in the past and I think I got feeding down.

Again, I am dosing 5ml stress coat, weekly water changes even with nitrogen levels besides nitrates at 0ppm (nitrates under 5 usually though)

Should I dose salt? Note that I do have plants in it and not sure what dose to do, there are plants literally everywhere and lots, and I really do not wanna destroy my garden from salt and I don't have a extra quarantine tank, if someone could recommend a dose for salt or what else I could do that'd be cool (10gal, heavy planted) I have fritz A+ aquarium salt, yes proper salt.

I also cannot tell if conditioning is worsening or getting better, but it's been less than 48h from injuries, and I don't think it's getting worse especially based on activity, lack of stress marks and eating patterns.

Not sure what it's hurting itself on, using AQO sponge filter and a good quality heater with no weird sharp spots. Everything else plants, substrate, and very well sanded wood which has done good with bettas in past and I just don't see how it could hurt itself on the wood as I spent at least a hour and a half on each piece about 2 years ago. Maybe excessive flaring? (If you scrolled down and think this has something to do with flaring, please read above before answering, getting it situated. )


Again, very active, literally swims ALL day, and takes very brief naps (5-10m) during the day like at most one time per day, and mostly sleeps at night for longer periods with the room nearly pitch black. Honestly never seen a betta more active despite it's injuries, I think it has to do with it's breed, not sure.

Edited by Jayden Gomez
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You could try posting in https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/forum/6-diseases/, might get more help. Also try to post a video so people can see if it's pacing due to stress of a new enviornment, or if it's just a happy active fish and maybe get a little view of the injury. The fact it's active and eating probably means the injury isn't bothering it, and just give is a week or so to get used to it's new enviornment.

Just remember we all have our own lives and things to do, so demanding a response on a community forum probably isn't going to win you any favours.

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@Sacah Yeah I forgot that section existed. It's hard for me to even get a good look since it's always moving around, which is a good thing. I'll just do a water change today and give it time to see if it worsens or gets better, or if eating and activity levels change, thank you.

Also with that I knew I probably shouldn't had said "I want a response and seems like no one ever answers my stuff anymore. ", just I was trying to find out what to do and was panicking and in stress myself due to not only the fish stuff but also family stuff non-related, not just trying to make up some excuse but I guess that's one anyways. I also probably should've at least worded it differently or just not have posted that part at all. At lease I've gotten some good input from this community, and for anyone whom has answered me, thank you.

I'll remove that part of the post.

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