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Will this be okay for fish tanks? (Material wise)

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Hi, so I’m planning on buying a big shelving unit for my tanks soon and I was wondering if this would be okay? https://amzn.eu/d/hVPklYh With the sizes of the tanks I plan to put on it I don’t think weight will be a problem but apparently the shelves are made from fibreboard. I know fibreboard and water don’t go so well together but will this really be a problem? I have the official Fluval Flex stand at the moment and (I think?) it’s made from MDF and I haven’t had any problems so far. Do you think this rack will be okay? Thanks 

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Considering it has the metal frame supporting it I think you’ll be fine. 

My rack had big metal bars that run the depth of the rack, and then thinner metal “large pore mesh” that sits over the top of that. In the top shelf I put down plywood. If I could go back and do it all over again I would put plywood on every shelf. 

I think you’ll be alright, assuming the metal structure under the wood is solid. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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I have similar shelving unit and I keep some tanks on those fibreboards, but it is not a good idea. Splashing water causes deformations and makes it weaker and weaker over time. I suggest to change those shelves. Plywood will be much better, MDF also should be OK if you secure the edges. 

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:24 PM, Cjbear087 said:

but apparently the shelves are made from fibreboard.

As others have said. The fiberboard is the problem. And not just for water. I've put these up in the basement for temporary shelves. and they almost always sag. Which is mostly okay (annoying) for regular items. Not at all sure about aquarium frames will hold up under sagging. But if you could trade it out for 3/4" plywood, that should work

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