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Center Piece Fish or Something Cool?


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90 Gallon Planted Tank, Canister Filter. Lightly Stocked. 5 Boesemani Rainbows, 5 Turquoise Rainbows, 13 Cardinal Tetra, 4 Otocinclus, 6 Panda Corydoras.

My centerpiece fish was a sweet peaceful dwarf cichlid but unfortunately he passed away. I am looking for another center piece fish or maybe a small school to add some color/movement to the tank.

Any suggestions?

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How about a pair of electric blue acara? Or threadfin acara? Something big, beefy, and beautiful. Can’t imagine you’re short on movement with the rainbows. 😁  I might possibly double the number of corys as well. You’d be surprised how much that would change their behavior.

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On 8/28/2024 at 11:18 PM, Tony s said:

How about a pair of electric blue acara? Or threadfin acara? Something big, beefy, and beautiful. Can’t imagine you’re short on movement with the rainbows. 😁  I might possibly double the number of corys as well. You’d be surprised how much that would change their behavior.

Those might be a little too big lol 

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On 8/28/2024 at 11:31 PM, Garavar said:

Those might be a little too big lol 

Okay, I’ll concede the point about the threadfin. But the EBA should be fine with everything you have. Or maybe a couple of koi angels. Both the eba and angels will be peaceful. And appropriate for what you have. Or even a single of each. That way you avoid potential breeding behaviors. Just have to make sure the angel gets fed. Mine share a tank with praecox. Rainbows can be such little pigs about their food. And possibly 1 Bolivian ram down with the corys

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I would up the number of Cory’s and a Bolivian Ram would fit nicely. It would get along with everyone but is large enough a personality that it’ll stand out. EBA would probably work too, but personally I hate the blue. On the flip side, that blue would probably look incredible next to some rainbows, so who knows. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am leaning towards 1 single Bolivian ram or 1 pearl gourami based on the suggestions since I don't want to go bigger than their sizes. And upping the Cory population.

Anyone know which is more hardy? I keep my tank well maintained but I live in an area of Florida with heavy coral, stone, rock etc. so the water is super hard no matter what I do.

All the current stock is fine but since I never cared for either Ram or Gourami I want to make sure I pick the safer choice rather than the one that looks better.


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On 9/7/2024 at 6:04 PM, Garavar said:

All the current stock is fine but since I never cared for either Ram or Gourami I want to make sure I pick the safer choice rather than the one that looks better.

Either should do fine for you. You could probably do both. Or a couple of either. Or in your case even a trio of gourami and a pair of rams. You have a lot of space available. A koi angel would look good too. More stock just means a bit more maintenance. 

I have 5 angels and a baby electric blue acara in my 75. Plus a school of redtail rasboras and skunk corys. And you have more space than I do. 

the rams are the right choice instead of the apistos. I had to relay second hand knowledge because I’m a bit intimidated by them and discus. But @mynameisnobody could give you the scoop on them. I believe they’re also from Florida (could be wrong though)

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I am from Florida and I would only purchase fish from 2 very specific Florida farms. Pm me if you’d like the info. I wouldn’t try to acclimate anything from soft water to our water, but if it’s been bred in FL water then it will do light years better for you. 

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On 9/8/2024 at 7:08 AM, mynameisnobody said:

I would only purchase fish from 2 very specific Florida farms.

Is one of those the one that Cory gave a shout out to during a livestream? One of my favorite places to order fish. If it is. YouTube done by Mike B. ?

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