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Help sexing platy fish

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I think this platy ended up being male even though I purchased female 

The photo of the anal fin looked more fanned with a pointed end but I think (especially comparing to my true females- one pictured below for more reference) it’s a boy even though he’s bigger 


only weird thing is my silver boy platy uses his gonopodium like he grabs at his other fins and moves it around where the salt and pepper “guy?” Doesn’t do anything with it. The pepper platy also doesn’t care about the females where the silver guy is non stop harassing to mate. Any thoughts?


I really needed another female cause one of my females is getting stressed but I feel attached now I don’t wanna dump him back on the seller 







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On 8/26/2024 at 9:34 PM, Newbie-ishfish said:

really needed another female cause one of my females is getting stressed but I feel attached now I don’t wanna dump him back on the seller 

Well, if you have the room, keep him and grab another female. I have never liked the idea of returning one either.

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Yea once he was here I realized it was probably a male. 
crazy part thought maybe “she” just has a fancier fin than the other girls 


ive got the room to keep him it just puts the M:F ratio more out of wack and I’m feeling bad for this one girl who seems unhappy - the silver male is a big bully

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