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Is this hair algae?

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If it’s soft and squishy it’s probably just a bacterial bloom, especially if it’s new plants. Hair algae has a texture like fine hair. Either way it’s not going to be toxic just a bit unsightly. If bacteria bloom or brown algae, it can be cleaned off, but will come back until what it’s eating is gone. Just takes time.

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2 days ago i put a piece of zucchini in the tank for my snails. I read you can give them certain vegetables. I tried a carrot before that, they ate on it and the water remained clear. the morning after the zucchini, the tank was cloudy and had those slimy strands everywhere. I tried to clean them out with a net, and washed the tubing to the filter off as it was all over that. I am planning on starting my tan over today and changing the substrate. (see my other post) The tank has been cycling. I got snails for the algae. I decided to do that instead of letting it go. So if this algae bloom or hair algae is part of the cycle, I'm about to start it over again, I suppose. 

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