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Help with skinny, pale corydrora


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Adult flukes release 5-10 eggs a day into the water column it can take 4-30 days for the eggs to hatch depending on the temperature  that why multiple treatment are necessary to kill them in the larval stage@Klair

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On 8/26/2024 at 4:24 PM, Colu said:

Adult flukes release 5-10 eggs a day into the water column it can take 4-30 days for the eggs to hatch depending on the temperature  that why multiple treatment are necessary to kill them in the larval stage@Klair

Thank you! 

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@Colu we are on day 5 of PraziPro (round 2 of antibiotics) and the flashing is not getting better. All species of fish are now flashing. I’m going to start another round of Prazi on Friday to finish off 3 rounds of treatment. 

Do you have any ideas on what to do next? Do I try Expel-P? I saw something about trichodina and was thinking about treating with Ich-X to see what happens. Ideas? 

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On 8/27/2024 at 11:28 PM, Klair said:

@Colu we are on day 5 of PraziPro (round 2 of antibiotics) and the flashing is not getting better. All species of fish are now flashing. I’m going to start another round of Prazi on Friday to finish off 3 rounds of treatment. 

Do you have any ideas on what to do next? Do I try Expel-P? I saw something about trichodina and was thinking about treating with Ich-X to see what happens. Ideas? 

With prazipro you want to leave it two weeks between courses trichodina causes over production of slime coat ulcers to develop on the body and rapid breathing i don't think your fish has trichodina so i wouldn't add ick x to the tank it more stressful using multiple medication  at the seem time it's odd that all your fish are now flashing when you finish the current course of prazipro do a large water change and add a double dose of your water dechlorinator just in case something change with your tap water that causes the increased flashing and add active carbon just remember to remove the active carbon before doing any further treatment @Klair

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On 8/28/2024 at 7:08 AM, Colu said:

With prazipro you want to leave it two weeks between courses trichodina causes over production of slime coat ulcers to develop on the body and rapid breathing i don't think your fish has trichodina so i wouldn't add ick x to the tank it more stressful using multiple medication  at the seem time it's odd that all your fish are now flashing when you finish the current course of prazipro do a large water change and add a double dose of your water dechlorinator just in case something change with your tap water that causes the increased flashing and add active carbon just remember to remove the active carbon before doing any further treatment @Klair

Oh shoot! I treated with the second round after a week. Ahhh. I will wait 2 weeks for the next round. Thanks for that information!

And yes, it’s not good, even my gobies and Pygmies are flashing 😞 it breaks my heart. 

I did a water change yesterday and will check my water tonight after work. I will also check my tap water. Thank you! 

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@Colu in case you’re interested. 

Holy. Crap.

I tested my water and I believe I am going through a mini cycle. I just discovered nitrites in my tank. I ran out of the ammonia test a little while back so I haven’t been testing it because my tank is pretty well established. I do all the other tests regularly and today I noticed nitrites, meaning I likely had ammonia when they all started flashing earlier this week but I just assumed it was the parasite 🥲😅 I just ordered an ammonia replacement water test and it’ll be here on Saturday. 

I’m thinking this all started because of the use of ParaCleanse a couple weeks back, meaning I’ve likely had ammonia this whole dang time - problem solved, I believe. I think they did have gill flukes but my overfeeding and the use of antibiotics messed with my beneficial bacteria. 

Such a rookie mistake - dang! I should have ordered that ammonia test a month back. I feel awful for these fish! They’re still flashing after a huge water change, but I presume it’ll get better after my water clears up and their gills get some relief. I plan on picking up some cycled media from my LFS tomorrow and finishing the last dose of Prazi in a week or so. 

I appreciate all your help in keeping me on track when I wanted to just give up. I was getting so frustrated and it was because of something I caused - this was definitely a learning experience! Always keep ALL tests on hand EVEN if your tank is established. Lesson learned. 

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@Colu my fish are still flashing. Found out the other day, however, that I am dealing with “old tank syndrome” as my pH is dropping rapidly from the water I am adding in. I need to remove the rocks and get out whatever is decaying in my tank. Im doing daily water changes to try and remedy this. 

Tips on how to fix old tank syndrome and do you think this could be the cause of the flashing 🥲

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On 9/2/2024 at 12:10 AM, Klair said:

@Colu my fish are still flashing. Found out the other day, however, that I am dealing with “old tank syndrome” as my pH is dropping rapidly from the water I am adding in. I need to remove the rocks and get out whatever is decaying in my tank. Im doing daily water changes to try and remedy this. 

Tips on how to fix old tank syndrome and do you think this could be the cause of the flashing 🥲

Regular small water changes so you don't shock your fish and add some crushed coral to your substrate or in a media bag in your filter to raise your KH so you don't get swing's in your pH 

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On 9/1/2024 at 7:33 PM, Colu said:

Regular small water changes so you don't shock your fish and add some crushed coral to your substrate or in a media bag in your filter to raise your KH so you don't get swing's in your pH 

@Colu thank you. I’m doing about 25% water changes a day. I ordered crushed coral, it’ll be here tomorrow. My kH is really low. Tap is 3dkH/53.7 ppm. KH the second it goes into my tank is 0 🥺

Do I need to remove the crushed coral when I do the last round of Prazi? 

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On 9/2/2024 at 6:01 PM, Klair said:

@Colu thank you. I’m doing about 25% water changes a day. I ordered crushed coral, it’ll be here tomorrow. My kH is really low. Tap is 3dkH/53.7 ppm. KH the second it goes into my tank is 0 🥺

Do I need to remove the crushed coral when I do the last round of Prazi? 

No you don't need to remove crushed coral when using any medication it will slowly dissolve over time increasing your KH I have it in my three tanks and pH stays between 6.8-7.2 the more you add the higher pH and KH will be 

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