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Pregnant Platy?


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I would love opinions on this female platy, do you guys think she is pregnant? 
we got her and two males, a week after having them I found a tiny baby in the tank. 
assuming she had it and we just didn’t know she was pregnant at the time. 
since then she’s definitely gotten bigger, but it’s probably been a month-ish, and I just can’t tell if she’s knocked up! 
some days I think she definitely is, others I’m not sure. 


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She very probably is. I once sorted my platys to control fry production. The females continued to have fry for several months. So they can store embryos for a very long time. She might be having fry currently even. Platys eat their fry, so without a ton of cover you might not see any.

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I’ve got a small breeder tank which the baby is in, I’m unsure when I should put the adult in though? I don’t want her in if she’s still got awhile to give birth, I read it can stress them. 
just hard to know if or when exactly she’s ready to pop! 

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On 8/17/2024 at 1:55 AM, Ness said:

I’ve got a small breeder tank which the baby is in, I’m unsure when I should put the adult in though?

Yeah, I have no experience there. I put my platys back together, gave them plenty of cover, and let nature take its course. My population grew up to 30 platys of all ages. From fry to 2 year olds. Then I added a betta because of a bit of emergency and unbalanced my tank. Apparently he was getting some fry as well and the population went way down. Still trying to undo that mistake and get a balanced population back. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If a female platy even looks at a male, she’s probably pregnant. You can pretty much assume that they’re always pregnant. The question to ask is just how long until babies drop. 

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