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Help! Whats this on my kuhli?


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Recently I noticed this stranGe lump on my kuhli and I'm really worried, as I am quite new to kuhlis, any help/ treatment methods? He is swimminG fine, and thouGh I havee run out of water tests, I do daily 10 percent water chanGes, so I am quite sure they are fine.
I'm really worried for my water babies, please help



Edited by LemonGuy
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Could be constipated egg bound if it's a female or have an internal mass internal bacterial infections can cause swelling what I would do is fast for a couple of days i would usually recommend epsom salt baths as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant but loach are  sensitive to salt so i wouldn't recommend using salt if your not seen any improvement after a couple of days of fasting then I would quarantine if you can and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties just in case there's a bacterial component @LemonGuy

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