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Is my fish pregnant (pt2)


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So yesterday my black molly was VERY large, had a white opening near her anal fin and looked like she was about to give birth, but this morning, she looks small again and there is 0 evidence of fry. I have plenty of hiding spots for the fry, so if they were born I feel like I should see at least one somewhere. 

The fish still has the white spot near her anal fin, so I really dont know whats going on. I've attached pictures from both last night and tonight. Any ideas what could be happening?


Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 8.09.23 PM.png

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If girth went down substantially overnight, and if you clearly can discern that this is a female, it is possible she dropped fry. Some livebearers eat their young. Mollys sometimes do.

It may be a sick fish. If it is, you’ll see evidence of it going downhill in the next month. Keep water changing regularly, and feed fresh foods in limited amounts.

Here’s a full spawning report with sequential videos my son made awhile back on Mollys…


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