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How do plants generally react?


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How do plants generally react to 1/2 t salt per 10-gallons of water??  Poorly?

I had a tank with no heater that I was raising plants in; the plants flourished.  In the tanks that I keep at 78*, growth is slow.  If you knock the temp down to help the plants, it could be hard on some fish or other critters.  Has anyone found a happy medium for temperature for tropical fish and aquatic plants? or should I just keep rolling along with slow, steady plant growth?


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I’ve used 1 Tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons and plants didn’t seem to have any adverse affects. I’ve heard plants like Val are more sensitive but mine didn’t care at all.

I personally have never noticed a djfference in plant growth due to temperature, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens. Some plants are native to “hot” water, others are from cooler water. So some plants may not adjust as well to hotter or colder temperatures. 78 should be a happy medium for plants and fish, though. I think your slow plant growth is likely due to a different factor like lighting, fertilizer, etc


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