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Need another fish recommendation


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The pseudomugil luminatus in my 29 are aging out so I'm debating replacements.  I still have 5 of them (2M, 3F) and one of the females I did raise so she is quite young. Because of this I may consider rehoming what I have left depending on the direction I take. 

I do still have an obsession with breeding but am unable to keep up with it due to health problems. I would LOVE if it were a fish I could do a small amount of passive breeding with but that is not essential. If no breeding is involved that is completely fine. 


*  29 gallon

*  7.4 PH, 14 GH, I believe 12 KH but I haven't tested that in awhile. Temp typically kept around 74F. 

*  Tank mates:  panda cories, green neon tetras, honey gourami, amano shrimp.

*  Planted


I do like fish that are active. The more active the better. Red is a major plus but not required. 


*  Just add a few more luminatus and maybe breed some. Although the ones I have bred in the past I did by moving eggs to another tank and idk if I'm up for that currently. 

*  Furcata 

*  Danios of some sort

*  Dwarf rasbora

*  Nothing. Just keep it as is. 

*  Killifish of any kind?

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Dwarf cichlids maybe?
For your water maybe kribensis? Neolamprologus multifasciatis?(I so want to try these) Julidochromis? Or if you can soften it a bit. Laeticara araguaiae (I bought one of these for free shipping, I now want a pair), possibly laetacara curviceps (I believe @Guppysnail does these)

If you can soften it a bunch I’d try appistogramma

Lots of cichlids take care of their fry. At least for a while.

Edited by Tony s
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Good grief, got stuck on the tank size and completely overlooked the tank mates. Was only thinking what goes in a 29 and takes care of its fry. I still might try the laetacara though. I don’t think they get big enough to disappear their tank mates. You could always try some bristlenose or clown plecos. Depending on how you feel about them. They kind of check all the boxes. 

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On 8/3/2024 at 12:12 AM, Tony s said:

Good grief, got stuck on the tank size and completely overlooked the tank mates. Was only thinking what goes in a 29 and takes care of its fry. I still might try the laetacara though. I don’t think they get big enough to disappear their tank mates. You could always try some bristlenose or clown plecos. Depending on how you feel about them. They kind of check all the boxes. 

I don't want more bottom dwellers is the problem. I'm hoping for something mid/top

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On 8/2/2024 at 6:40 PM, Cinnebuns said:

Killifish of any kind?

For Killifish in that situation I would stick to something in the Aphyosemion genus. The common ones are fairly easy to passive breed so long as no one eats their eggs.

Aphyosemion Australe and Aphyosemion Striatum tend to be easier to find and are cool looking fish. 

That said I've only raised Aphyosemion Ocellatum, Fundulopanchax Gresensi & Gardneri, flag fish (I forget the scientific name... Jordanii or something), and Nothobranchius Guentheri & Eggersi. The genuses other than Aphyosemion have a tendency to get hangry and nippy if something is eating their food.

Maybe clown killis would do alright but they're a little trickier to breed from what I hear.

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On 8/3/2024 at 3:00 AM, Cinnebuns said:

scarlet badis or peacock gudgeon?

Scarlet Badis are very finicky eaters. They are carnivores, but they won’t eat prepared foods. Only live or frozen. If you’re up for that, they’re stunning. Peacock gudgeons are beautiful and would fit in nicely, but can hide (not always). I believe they also stay close to the bottom. I honestly haven’t done either, but listening to livestream of people who have. And love the gudgeon. The badis came up last week. But even Dans gives out that warning. 

I was trying to keep babies in your tank. Because, you know, babies… but if that’s not a requirement, options are huge.

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