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Is this fish pregnant

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On 7/21/2024 at 2:53 PM, shenberry said:

I have yet to know what it looks like when a fish is pregnant. If so how long before they drop eggs




If you have a male in the aquarium yes could be pregnant. The platy are livebearers. They don’t drop eggs.

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On 7/21/2024 at 2:47 PM, kammaroon said:

Looks like a ballon molly? Also a liverbearer and drops live fry.

Will other fish eat livebearers. If so how long should I quarantine them for. 

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Livebearer means that they give birth to live baby fry, instead of laying eggs and then having those hatch. Your female will give birth to tiny baby fish, no eggs involved. 

Yes, fish will eat baby fish. General wisdom is that fish will eat anything that will fit in their mouth. If you’re hoping to raise some of the babies you can do a couple different things. Make sure your tank has plenty of plants, decorations, and hiding spots. Also called “cover”. You could also pull the female out, let her have babies in a different tank or container. You could also put the female in a breeder box in the main tank and let her have the babies in that box. That can generally stress females out, though. 

As far as raising the fry/babies, you would need to raise them to be big enough to not fit in all the other fishes mouths, so as not to become a snack. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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