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New tank cycling & water change help

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Tank is about 5 weeks old added Frtizzyme 7 nitrifying bacteria when starting it and have since added 5 platys. 
parameters are still 0/0/0 ph 7.5 and temp 76. Fish all doing well but I had read to wait till cycled to do water change But these fish poop ALOTTTT 

I feel terrible not doing a water change but I don’t want to possibly distrupt the bacterial bloom. Any advice? Ok to change water?

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The water change is fine as long as you temp match.  I use an infrared thermometer.   If you have city water you'll want to use water conditioner with the water change.

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Agreed with the others that you will want to change water if and/or when ammonia and nitrite get to .5 or above. A 50% water change will reduce the ammonia or nitrite by half. 

Not doing water changes during cycling makes sense if you’re doing a fishless cycle. Considering you’re now doing a fish in cycle, you will definitely want to water change as necessary. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 7:06 PM, Newbie-ishfish said:

But these fish poop ALOTTTT 

Definitely do water changes. it's the only way to keep your fish safe. If your worried about the bacteria, add some more. It's not going to hurt anything. The way to get them to poop less is to feed them less. Platys are little food pigs. They are always begging for food. 5 platys actually need a tiny amount of food a day. Just a few flakes twice a day is more than enough. 

Edited by Tony s
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