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Otocinclus catfish love vibra bites

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It may look nice/cute but it is not good sadly

Animal protein rich foods are not a part of their diet. It is like feeding a cow meat or feeding a carnivore pufferfish algae tabs. Wrong diet has impacts

When I kept my otos with pygmy cories, they were schooling time to time. My otos learnt eating commercial food by imitating pygmys, in a level they were even scting like taking a gulp of air from the surface when pygmys do, but gradually it became problematic and I had to remove them to another tank because I lost one to a bloat due to consuming foods that they shouldnt. Cories do enjoy animal protein rich food but otos are aufwuch grazers and such animal protein rich food has no place in their diet. %46 protein vibra bites says and it has fish meal, krill meal, cuttlefish meal and silkworm pupae.

I know it is hard to control these stuff in a community tank but I just wanted to share my experience. 

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On 7/21/2024 at 1:44 AM, Lennie said:

know it is hard to control these stuff in a community tank but I just wanted to share my experience.

Honestly, I’m a bit shocked they would even eat something like that. Wouldn’t think they’d have any desire at all for it. Being they’re vegetarians

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