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1st Angel Fish - Spec on Mouth


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Hello! I purchased my first angel fish this past Saturday. He’s currently in a Qurantine tank. I noticed a small white spec on the tip of his mouth. The rest of his body looks fine. Any thoughts on what it might be? 





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Honestly, looks like he got in a fight with something. especially since it'd dead center on his mouth. third picture looks like he's got a bite mark by his dorsal as well. Keep an eye on it, if it starts to change in size or shape it might be bacterial or fungal. If you want to help him heal, you could throw in a couple of catapa leaves. they have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties

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Thanks! Yea, it doesn’t look like Ich to me, I thought it was some type of damage to his mouth. He was in a large tank at the LFS with 15-20 other angels. I noticed some of the others had nippled fins. 

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