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On 7/15/2024 at 1:53 AM, Gastroplod said:

Is this the only way to really solve the issue for an affected tank long term? I've been reading about fish TB just today because I've been treating my planted tank for ich and now gill flukes, as I spotted a single white spot last week (which has gone now), plus some flicking - but more worrying, is slow wasting of several fish over the last six months. Some of them are absolutely busting at the gut and seem in fine shape, but I lost my last guppy juvenile this morning after what looked like a prolapse (first time ever seeing this), and several of my albino cherry barbs are looking a bit caved in and listless. The water parameters are fine, and stable, and I was wondering if it's an internal parasite that came in on some plants - but now I'm concerned it's TB. So no more fish, but also - if they all died - would the tank be ruined forever?

Before you consider TB, try to eliminate other possible causes of wasting away in your fish. Have you used dewormers? Have any of your fish exhibited other signs of TB besides wasting? Some of mine have also showed curved spines (all swordtails and platies) and others (all tetras) have had swimming with a sideways tilt for weeks before death or (guppies and one angel fish) "crazy swimming" e.g. in circles the day before they died. 

I have read Diana Walstad got rid of the contagion of fish TB in her tanks by using UV filtration. I added UV sterilizers to my tanks and it has not changed the course of the disease for me. Fish who appeared unaffected by TB when the sterilizers went in have since developed symptoms and died. 

Sites including this one: https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-4-fish-tuberculosis/  say you don't have to give up the tank and equipment and suggest that fish TB is everywhere and problems like poor water quality, overcrowding or other stressors give it a leg up and allow it to take over in a tank.

So, getting rid of everything and starting over may be an 'overreaction' on my part but since I breed fish and shrimp to sell, I am going to do the utmost to protect others and go that route. Also, it pretty much destroys my enjoyment of the hobby to see fish sick and dying multiple times per week with no way to help them, so even if I wasn't a seller, I would just start over to try to guarantee my enjoyment, but that's just me. Everyone has to find what feels best for themselves, for sure.

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On 7/15/2024 at 7:19 PM, PineSong said:

Have you used dewormers? Have any of your fish exhibited other signs of TB besides wasting?

I haven't yet tried that medication. I'm giving the others a chance to work first. And no, nothing else physical except the wasting. I know what you mean about it seeming like a severe reaction, but I think your rationale is logical enough. I'm not going to rush to rip this tank down but i'm also fine with doing it if it's what needs to happen. I think my larger concern is the cross-contamination potential from me using the same bucket and hose for other tank in the same room. *collar tug* but those fish appear fine and i've now got every tank it's own set of hoses and bucket now. Nothing like discovering a new thing to worry about hah.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/11/2024 at 3:17 PM, JimboMo said:

@PineSong this feels like the path i'm going to have to take if it is TB. Just noticed this afternoon that my last Koi guppy is missing, i'm assuming it's passed away and has been eaten by the snails/shrimp 😞 so strange, it was eating fine, looked active enough and the next day it's gone. 

A small update since my last post. I have four galaxy rasbora and two chili rasboras remaining in my tank, since the death of the Koi guppy last month I've had no other fish loss (fingers crossed this continues). 

I've noted that the remaining fish appear to be far more active , are eating well and have good colour. One of the remaining chili's look small and as strange as this is to try and explain, 'long'. This is how I received the fish from the LFS so i don't believe it's anything in the tank that is causing this. Shrimp and snails continue to thrive which is great to see. 

I'm going to continue monitoring for another month before I do anything else. I've short-listed a few UV sterilizers but have held off for the time being - this is to try and eliminate anything in the water column that could be impacting the fish....I'm feeling that this will be my last resort before a complete tank deconstruct. 

If all is well in a months' time I'll start thinking about getting new additions. This time following a strict quarantine routine. I've been reading up on the quarantine advice given by Aquarium co-op, great advice just a shame that getting the treatments recommended is a challenge if you live in the UK. 

Thanks to everyone who has contributed in this thread. Really appreciate it ❤️

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On 7/4/2024 at 12:25 PM, Tanked said:

The Master Test kit includes the GH & KH tests.   Be sure you are following the test instructions exactly, and check the expiration date.

API Master test kit?  Hmmm  Mine only has PH, high PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate.  Had to buy GH/KH separately.  

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JimboMo, We've been running some studies here at Dan's Fish, and have found that 60% - 70% of the issues we have arise from flatworms, roundworms, or flukes. These often cause gradual die-offs over time. Its impossible to know without a proper diagnosis, and I'm not a veterinarian, but there is a product available in the UK that might help. Its from NT Labs and is called Flukasol. We've found it to be quite effective against many types of worms and flukes. If you finish your prazi treatments and things are not improving within a few weeks, it might be worth giving the Flukasol a shot. Its easy to find on Ebay. - Dan

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