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Angelfish attacking snail

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I am enjoying my first experience keeping angelfish.  I bought a pair at local Petco a few months ago.

I must say I am surprised how quickly they are growing.

I noticed since putting them in the tank I have them in I haven’t been noticing any Ramshorn snails in there anymore.  The Ramshorns hitched a ride in on plants. I had attempted to eradicate them by using a Denerle snail catcher taking juveniles off the glass multiple times a day before simply giving up.


This morn8 g I did a water change on my 17 gallon bowl and thinned out the water lettuce which I do weekly and placed extra water lettuce in the Angelfish tank to see if the fish might enjoy some overhead cover.


After about 10 minutes I heard a racket of rattling and saw two angels fighting over a mid size ramshorn snail that had been on the roots of a water lettuce plant.  They repeatedly attacked it even as it went to the bottom of the tank…


I don’t know that they will be able to take it down as it retracts in its shell, but I am willing to bet no juvenile snails will escape their attention or survive it…

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Posted (edited)
On 7/1/2024 at 12:39 PM, Pepere said:

I am enjoying my first experience keeping angelfish.  I bought a pair at local Petco a few months ago.

I must say I am surprised how quickly they are growing.

I noticed since putting them in the tank I have them in I haven’t been noticing any Ramshorn snails in there anymore.  The Ramshorns hitched a ride in on plants. I had attempted to eradicate them by using a Denerle snail catcher taking juveniles off the glass multiple times a day before simply giving up.


This morn8 g I did a water change on my 17 gallon bowl and thinned out the water lettuce which I do weekly and placed extra water lettuce in the Angelfish tank to see if the fish might enjoy some overhead cover.


After about 10 minutes I heard a racket of rattling and saw two angels fighting over a mid size ramshorn snail that had been on the roots of a water lettuce plant.  They repeatedly attacked it even as it went to the bottom of the tank…


I don’t know that they will be able to take it down as it retracts in its shell, but I am willing to bet no juvenile snails will escape their attention or survive it…

Possibly a pair sounds like their protecting that area. I would keep close observation. 


Edited by Tlindsey
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The Snail shell is cleaned out clean as a whistle on the tank bottom…


Those Angels are ravenous creatures.  I have been taking to feeding small amounts a few times a day to give them extra.  

I had been feeding my tank only daily.  I still give a bigger feeding in the evening where  the ither fish can end up getting their fill, but I will give a smidgen of food that the angels aggressively scarf up and doesnt get to the other fish a few times a day.


The angels are always right there waiting for me when I show up for their collations….

You can hear them gulping air in the process of hoovering all the food up…

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On 7/2/2024 at 12:06 PM, Pepere said:

Those Angels are ravenous creatures

Yes, they are. but so fun to feed. They're constantly swimming up to the glass and absolutely begging for more. 🤣 Kind of like little wet puppies! We noticed this when we got our first juveniles. The absolute best fish we have ever done. You'll be good with a pair. Either they'll be same sex or pair together. no third wheel hanging around.  We started with 6. When they start to pair it's a different world altogether. Depending on the pair, they can get downright nasty to other tankmates. some pairs can be mild.  But we've had to keep a marble pair in its own breeding tank because the male turned mean. Was even pushing rainbow fish to the bottom.

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