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Microdevario Kubotai, Green neon rasbora


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I discovered several Microdevario Kubotai, Green neon rasbora fry in my 10g quarantine tank yesterday by accident while looking at some newly hatched RCS shimplets with a magnifying glass. I bought a group of 8 which have since been moved to the main tank. They spawned while in quarantine. I have been feeding them powdered flake food and Daphnia. Nothing else in the tank except Java moss, Java Fern and algae and things growing on spider wood. If I stay the course, what are the survival chances if I do regular water changes? Can't get good images, they are microscopic at this point. Some clinging to the glass eating algae or biofilm I suppose.

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In my unscientific, amateur opinion, the biggest threats to fry survival are predation, starvation, and water quality. It sounds like you've got all three covered. It doesn't mean that they'll all survive, of course, but it sounds like they've got a pretty good chance.

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