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Neon Tetra is Bloated but Moves Fine

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A few days ago I noticed that one my neon tetras was bloated and tending to be less active towards the back of the tank. I set up a 5 gallon hospital tank. My hospital/QT has new fish in it so I needed to purchase a tank and set it up. I also bought Maracyn 2 in case it's dropsy. Today I am home, tank is ready, but the fish is reasonably active. It still looks bloated though. The belly looks bloated. I am not seeing obvious bloating. 

Should I isolate the fish and treat it anyway? Should I use the maracyn 2 or salt? I also have the medicine trio on hand. There are no white spots on it. Any thoughts?

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On 6/15/2024 at 6:36 PM, JohnNYC said:

A few days ago I noticed that one my neon tetras was bloated and tending to be less active towards the back of the tank. I set up a 5 gallon hospital tank. My hospital/QT has new fish in it so I needed to purchase a tank and set it up. I also bought Maracyn 2 in case it's dropsy. Today I am home, tank is ready, but the fish is reasonably active. It still looks bloated though. The belly looks bloated. I am not seeing obvious bloating. 

Should I isolate the fish and treat it anyway? Should I use the maracyn 2 or salt? I also have the medicine trio on hand. There are no white spots on it. Any thoughts?

It's possible may be carrying eggs. @JohnNYC

Edited by Tlindsey
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On 6/15/2024 at 6:46 PM, Tlindsey said:

It's possible may be carrying eggs. @JohnNYC

I wonder about that because I have been observing her today and she's interested in food and not having bouyancy problems. I looked again and do not see pine coning. I'll leave the 5 gallon running for now just in case. 

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