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What's Wrong with My Rummy Nose Tetra


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I would like thoughts about what is going on with this fish. He/she has been like this for months, seems healthy, swims fine, eats, etc. It's the only one in the tank with the big abdomen. 



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Could be dropsy if there's pineconing or a growth in the body cavity I little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy lose of appetite 

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I have 5 Rummy Nose Tetras. This one acts and swims the same and with all the others. Does not hang at the bottom of the tank, does not seem to be stressed. Happily eats the same as the others. Tank temp is 76 degrees, been established for over 3 years. Test strip readings are all within acceptable levels, no ammonia,, no nitrites, nitrates at 20 ppm. Could it be egg bound?

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On 5/30/2024 at 10:21 PM, kjfhg said:

I have 5 Rummy Nose Tetras. This one acts and swims the same and with all the others. Does not hang at the bottom of the tank, does not seem to be stressed. Happily eats the same as the others. Tank temp is 76 degrees, been established for over 3 years. Test strip readings are all within acceptable levels, no ammonia,, no nitrites, nitrates at 20 ppm. Could it be egg bound?

Given the length of time it's had the bloating the way it's backs bending I don't think it's egg bound if you have a quarantine tank you try treating with Epsom salts 1 table spoon for 4 gallons for a week and do a course of kanaplex just in case there a bacterial component causing the swelling or you could just monitor if it gets worse I would consider humanly euthanizing with clove oil 

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