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Danio with white bit sticking out of gill


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Hi everyone,

I had posted a while ago about my danios that I suspected had columnaris. They've been in a hospital tank since March, had a round of Maracyn 2, then Kanaplex/Jungle Fungus tabs according to @Colu's instructions, and then about a month of salt. I was having a very hard time distinguishing between scrapes and actual infection, and to be honest, I am not sure I ever figured it out. The danios initially presented with white areas (flat) on their mouths and one had what looked like bits of white something sticking out of her gills (not fuzzy). They had been flashing almost incessantly, possibly from flukes, which the other tank mates definitely had. I also thought I started seeing pale or greyish patches on the danios' "saddle" area, which is when I pulled them out of the main tank and started treating as described above.

The danios are still in the hospital tank and I have just finished removing all the salt through regular water changes. The only issue I've had was that last week one danio appeared to have a seizure, dropped dead, but then after a few minutes started breathing and swimming again. It was doing so poorly, though, that I euthanized it. I'm not sure what happened, although I question if it had gotten startled, jumped and hit the glass top. I had just turned the HOB filter back on when this "seizure" occurred. 

Unfortunately today, I noticed that one of the danios once again has a white spot of something sticking out of her gill. I attached a picture, although I know it's not a great picture. These guys are fast. Am I seeing the return of columnaris? Or could it be an injury from them picking on each other, which they do on a regular basis? If it's just an injury from bullying/spawning, I am starting to wonder whether they ever had columnaris to begin with and whether I wasn't just seeing injuries. Any feedback would be appreciated! Please and thank you!!!


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Posted (edited)

Possible injury looking at the pictures I would just monitor your other could have swim into something in the tank knocking it out then coming to that what it sound like to me

Edited by Colu
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