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Periodically disoriented goldfish


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I have this goldfish that some times seems to be having issues figuring out what side is up or down. It does not have swim bladder issues but rather seems to both not care and not register that it is swimming vertically, or sometimes belly up. Most of the time it will swim well, but it will sometimes get into either a trance or a random spin.

Se this video for an example


Could it be a stroke, aneurysm, maybe a brain tumor?

The fish is 2 years old and I have had it for most of that time. No major changes in neither feeding, parameters or anything else. I have recently moved it into a smaller tank with some friends, but this is mainly due to his issues and not a cause for them

Besides the irregular balance, it seems to he ok


  • pH: 8
  • Nitrates: max 20
  • Hardness: 12 dH
  • Nitrite: 0
  • Ammonia: 0
  • Water Temperature : 24C
Edited by EggShappedFish
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Honestly this just looks like a goofy fish. As long as it isn't upside down for long periods of time on the surface or on the bottom a whole lot then it is fine. It just has a unique personality in my opinion. Hope this helps

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On 5/1/2024 at 6:19 PM, CoryKeeper said:

Honestly this just looks like a goofy fish. As long as it isn't upside down for long periods of time on the surface or on the bottom a whole lot then it is fine. It just has a unique personality in my opinion. Hope this helps

Thanks for the reply! I wish that it was, but it is not. It does sleep vertically, and at times in the surface.

Just today, I got hold of the breeder who has kept 20 fish from the same batch, and she told me that she only has two left and that the rest either died with similar behavior, on some kind of internal infection that would break through the skin!

So the ods are that its genetic.  It does not seem to be suffering though, so for now, I think that I'll just treat it well. But if it start struggling, I will know that there is no reason to put it through too much medication attempts in order to solve it

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Oh no! Sorry I didn't know the context. From the video it seemed fine but idk. I did read that its probably a swim bladder infection that like you said was genetic. I do think its treatable but I dont know how much time you want to put into your fish. I hope your goldfish gets better and sorry again for the misinformation. 

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On 5/1/2024 at 6:42 PM, CoryKeeper said:

I did read that its probably a swim bladder infection that like you said was genetic

No I don't think it is an issue with the swim bladder. I actually am pretty certain that it is not. This looks neurological to me. Maybe brain damage, aneurysm, brain tumor/infection maybe?

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