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Goldfish Mystery Disease


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About 2 weeks ago I moved my goldfish to a new tank. Since the day after they have had a weird sickness I can’t figure out or cure. White puffy covering on eyes, and non furry large spots along body. Fins were ragged fast on the orange one, but improved.

You can see white areas from body / eyes in pics.

Had the goldfish for months, tank and equipment were all new/ cleaned/ cycled. Water conditions are PH 7.2, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-5 Nitrate, temp 76F.

I’ve tried API Fin and Body Cure, and after that didn’t work a full week of Pimafix and Melafix.

Any idea what this could be and how to clear it up?!?!





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Looks like over production of the slime coat that can be caused by poor water quality parasitc infection sudden change in temperature malnutrition what temperature your tank any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface flashing what are you feeding and how often do you use a water dechlorinator when doing water changes @ChriFry



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