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DIY Hinged Lid and Canopy

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I want to make an outline of how I made the lid and canopy for my 25 gallon cube. There aren’t really any premade lids available for this size tank in the U.S. so I thought it could be helpful. This is also a very budget friendly lid. For me it only cost ~$25

This will mostly focus on how I made the lid. The canopy I made to match the stand and there are a bunch of ways to do it.

Materials I used: PolycarbonateAcrylic Adhesive HingesHandle (Command Hooks) For the command hooks I did not use those exact ones since I already had some in the "save for later" drawer.

Basically, the Polycarbonate fits between the canopy and the tank. The canopy has a small lip which covers the polycarbonate to make it invisible.


The canopy opens like this:IMG_3298.jpeg.c43f5b58a355dc14aedcc7a6d8f8e8a0.jpeg

The actually hinging portion of the lid only is about 6 inches long so the rest of the lid is basically storage where I have my lights and air pump. Here is how you open the lid:IMG_3297.jpeg.83eb1ddb03425d6f851594c93f034db2.jpeg

The hinging part has a lip which hangs over the other non-moving part of the lid to keep it in place.

Thanks for reading!




Edited by macdaddy36
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