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cories eating baby snails - safe?

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I imagine this is safe and a good snack as a live food, but I just wanted to be sure.

Having some bladder snails hitchhike on my plants, I now have hundreds of itty bitty baby snails all over my tank (despite manually removing eggs like everyday and slowing down feedings 😭), but that is honestly okay! They're really cute.

My pygmy corydoras keep eating the smallest ones off the glass though. I don't have a problem with this (good population control!) but I did want to know if this is safe / if it would cause any problems. Does anyone have any input? I would guess it is totally fine but I just wanna check 🙂

Thanks everyone!!!!

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While I have never witnessed corydoras eating an entire snail including the shell, I commonly crush snails on the aquarium glass and my breeding groups of corydoras rush to them and eat them. I wouldn't imagine it being a problem for them consuming the shell as well.

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