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Snail mysteries - parasites? High GH?


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So I added the first fauna: 3 male guppies and 2 mystery snails to start stocking this newly cycled, low tech, planted tank last week. Used a modified quarantine med trio on whole tank because it’s only 10 gallons and they’re the first fauna: PraziPro, Ich-X, and Maracyn.  (LFS doesn’t stock Paraclense.)   
Noticed 4 or 5 tiny ramshorn snail hatchlings at this time.  At least, I think they’re ramshorns…

Concern 1:

At least one seems to have some kind of worm a week AFTER PraziPro treatment?  Snail in pic is about 1cm in diameter and no more than 10 - 14 days old. Last pic might be a sibling, included just to help with species ID. 
Is white worm looking thing a worm or snail innards?  If worm, will another dose of PraziPro next week take it out or do I need a different med or strategy?  Goal is for non transparent lifeforms in tank to be worm free.  Especially with incoming guppies and Neocaridina (next week, probably 3 of each). 
or is this just a nice view of snail guts and I can ignore?  Snail is active and feeding as far as I can tell.  If parasite, should I treat or euthanize snail given new tanks mates inbound?  I don’t have a quarantine tank. 

Concern 2

Originally GH was 80ppm and KH less than 40 (but more than 0) according to ACO strips  Because this will be a guppy/snail/shrimp tank, thought I would increase KH and hardness a touch and put in 1 small Wonder Shell in corner near sponge filter.  By that that evening (16 hrs later) fish & ramshorns seemed okay behaviorally, but both mystery snails were shut tightly in their shells and one was floating (Very unusual behavior for both, one of whom can’t sit still and is always exploring/eating.) Was concerned, so removed wonder shell, did 50% water change, vacuuming up residual bits of Wonder Shell. Mystery snails came out of hiding as soon as water was diluted with treated tap water.  As in, I still had more than an inch or two to go before tank was full and they both were peaking out and exploring again.  GH tested >301 right before change, and is hanging out between 150 & 300 after. KH went to 40 and stayed there.  All creatures seem okay, but I’m surprised the Wonder Shell did that.  What happened?

The parameters below are about 48 hours after water change.

Tank details:

new tank (about 1 month old)

planted (low tech, root tabs + easy green, sand) plants are actively growing  

10 gallons

sponge filter (sized for 20gallon)

some brown algae on glass/rocks (not sure if enough for snails as sole food source… going to try community repashy unless forum things otherwise?)

Water Details:

Ammonia/nitrites = 0

nitrates won't go over 5ppm (plants too greedy… 3 more guppies and some Neocaridina to be added soon will help I hope)

pH no idea.  API master kit says 7.8, ACO strips say 6.8, JNW strips say 7.2????

GH 150-300 ppm (ACO strips)

KH 40ppm (ACO strips)

temperature 74deg F


Holy cow guppies are beggars! Everyone acts like I don’t feed them once a day.  How do you know if guppies and/or snails are genuinely underfed?  Currently giving bug bite flakes once a day but soon will offer community repashy on a stick (project for tomorrow).  Tank can process ammonia into nitrates at current level but want to ramp up bioload slowly to final capacity: 6-7 male fancy guppies, 2 mystery snails, a handful of ramshorn snails, and a hoarde or Neocaridina shrimp. 

Last questions.
I bought Easy Iron for the plants… I thought it was okay for guppies, snails, shrimp at 1, maybe 2 doses a week? Haven’t used it yet.  Should be okay??  
Finally, if nitrates never get above 20ppm, how often to do 10-20% water changes?  Tank doesn’t really evaporate much at all because glass lid. 





Edited by Myrium
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That just waste your seeing your the transparent shell nothing to worry your KH is definitely to low for guppies and mystery snails what I would do is add some crushed coral to your substrate you will have to add one pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons I think I read a while ago that some iron based fertiliser can be harmful to snails I would do some more research before using it @Myrium

Edited by Colu
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On 4/13/2024 at 6:09 AM, Colu said:

That just waste your seeing your the transparent shell nothing to worry your KH is definitely to low for guppies and mystery snails what I would do is add some crushed coral to your substrate you will have to add one pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons I think I read a while that some iron based fertiliser can be harmful to snails I would do some more research before using it

That's quite reassuring that it's more likely to be snail poo than worms.  

Regarding KH, I had the same concern, which is why I tried the Wonder Shell (and removed it a few hours later when the mysteries changed their behavior so dramatically). I thought WS and Crushed Coral served similar purposes?  Do you know if either WS or CC can be overdosed?  E.g. GH goes too high while trying to bring up KH?  Is CC "safer" in this case?  (Moderate GH, low KH to start.)  Would you say to try WS again, or just forget it and go with CC already?

I will keep reading on iron fertilizer vs. invertebrates.  I know copper is bad news for them, which is why I was hesitating with another metal.  

Thank you for your reply.  Back to Google for me!

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More crushed coral you use the higher your KH will be so what I would do is add half the usually amount test every couple of days for two weeks then add more if it's not having the desired effect till it  gets to the level you want 

Edited by Colu
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