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I have been having an issue with my pseudomugil. Sorry if this post gets long, I want to give as much info as possible. 

The group is primarily luminatus but there are a couple gerturdea in there too. I got 8 of them as a rescue about a year ago. I'm not sure how old they were at the time so it's possible age is a factor here. I then got 6 more about 6 months ago. They have been dying off one by one every few weeks for the past 2 months. 

The tank is a 29 gallon. All other fish and shrimp are doing great. The tank is heavily planted. Parameters are:  Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, ph 7.6, gh 14. Tank mates are: panda cories, thick-lipped gourami, honey gourami, green neon tetras, amano shrimp. 

I have seen no other signs of illness. Suddenly one will be doing poorly then pass. Other than that everyone is doing great. I'm stumped.

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The odd random deaths every couple of weeks can be a caused by a parasitic infection have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop loss of appetite @Cinnebuns

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On 4/11/2024 at 8:54 PM, Colu said:

The odd random deaths every couple of weeks can be a caused by a parasitic infection have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop loss of appetite @Cinnebuns

Haven't noticed anything like that. All that happens is out of nowhere one starts not doing well and not swimming well then it passes. 

This was one female I lost:






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Posted (edited)

Very few of the others showed symptoms though. I just found a dead body. One male currently isn't holding his fins up well though. See how the back end dips down when he stops swimming?



Edited by Cinnebuns
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