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Platy with torn fins


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I checked my tank this morning and I saw that my red wag platy has a torn tail. It doesn't look like finrot, and it wasn't there yesterday. She's still very active and behaving normally. Do I need to medicate her, and if so, which medication is needed? Thank you in advance.




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On 4/11/2024 at 9:27 AM, Tony s said:

what's your parameters. but you're right it does look like tears. got any sharp decor she could get inro. photos are very blurry, so is also hard to tell


Ammonia - 0 ppm

Nitrate - 25 ppm

Nitrite - 0 ppm

GH - 300 ppm

KH - 300 ppm

pH - 7.6

Chlorine - 0 ppm

There is a cave that she likes to go into a lot of the time. She's never torn her fins like this before, however.

My camera isn't very good, but I tried to take another photo.


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On 4/11/2024 at 10:37 AM, Tony s said:

sounds like she snagged it then. if it begins to looked ragged on the end. I would probably hit the whole tank with maracyn 2 or kanaplex. 

If she just snagged it, do I still need to medicate her? Or will it heal on its own?

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it should heal on its own. very slowly, honestly, if ever. but it's not causing any pain so she should be fine. now watch for redness or degradation around that area, it may be some finrot has weakened that area. just keep an eye on it

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