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Betta Newbie


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Hi all. Total new comer...my daughter and husband brought home a betta. We did everything according  to the directions we got, and i have done all I can to make sure Rosie is happy.5 gallon tank? yep, with some live plants, the floating log, etc. Betta filter? check. Heater? check, at a comfortable 80 degrees. Checking water? yep. got 2 kits.... Rosie was perfectly happy after her first 25% water change. I did the second water change a few days ago, and Rosie will not stop flaring at the glass, at the rocks, at me.. everything. I have tested the water, had added the right conditioner, levels are all good. He's eating and swimming normally, just seems mad.. What do I do?? BTW, the fish has doubled in size in 3 weeks... I think that is a good sign..


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It's sort of a normal thing. he's picking up his reflection in objects. the only downside is he could wear himself out. Bettas are usually, mostly peaceful around other fish, depending on the betta. they only usually attack each other. if he sees his reflection, there's suddenly another betta there (his reflection). you might give him some time to get used to his surroundings and minimize the tank light. and reduce any reflections. hopefully he calms down soon.

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I agree with @Tony s a betta flaring every now and again is a good sign means their healthy but if they flaring all the time that could to lead to wearing themselves out. Follow what was suggested above as well as you could add some fake plants along the sides and back of the tank that could help as well. 

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