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Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I’m a biology teacher in Missouri, and I’ve had freshwater aquariums ever since I was a boy. I’m especially a fan of percomorph fishes, ie cichlids, sunfishes, and anabantoids. I also like livebearers, minnows, and catfishes, as well as snails, frogs, and turtles 

After taking a break for a few years, I recently got back into the hobby. I currently have three tanks:

- A 10-gal with one African dwarf frog and bladder snails.

- A 29-gal tank just cycling with bladder snails.

- A 55-gal tank with about 200 guppies.

The plan is to use the 55 for angelfish, blue gouramis, and a red tail shark. I’m thinking of using the 29 for the guppies, and perhaps dwarf gouramis and/or kribensis cichlids. The 10 will likely be getting a couple more African dwarf frogs soon.

Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to some nice chats soon.

Edited by AtomicSunfish
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