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Can leaves recover from nutrient deficiencies or are they worthless?

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On 5/1/2024 at 4:06 PM, Seattle_Aquarist said:

Hi @TwoFace99,

Sorry for the delayed response, I just got the notification in my Inbox that you had posted.

Remembering we are watching the new growth, not the older existing growth, I am seeing some positive improvement in the Ludwigia arcuata with healthy leaves and good internodel spacing, a new leaf coming out of the older java fern, and the newer Nymphaea (lily) leaf looks good.  However not sure of the species but the one with the arrow below (Hygrophila corymbosa?) still looks seems to be showing symptoms of chlorosis (yellowing).  Have you checked your nitrate levels lately?  Which increased growth there will be a need for increased nitrates.  -Roy

Yes, it’s Hygrophila Corymbosa Compacta. I actually performed a WC this Monday and I added Easy Green to which my nirate readings shown were 20ppm. 
I’m not sure if it helps, but I bought/acquire these plants along with the Ludwigias and Red Tiger Lotus plants you see this past Friday/Saturday. Several of the individual stems have showcased new growth that are somewhat yellow, but haven’t yet fully emerged from the center. 

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Somebody mentioned to me that some plants will add some minerals to the water, I suspect that they mean they will convert some of the minerals into something different and asperate them into the water column.  

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