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Help! Idk what's wrong with my fish 😭😭😭


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Idk what's wrong with my fish pls help!!!

I have a 27 gallon tank with 13 swordtails, 6 zebra danios and too many guppies to count. They just keep breeding.Β 

Also, I grabbed a lot of guppies and swordtails and plants from a local stream and had them quarantined for a total of like ten minutes when the quarantine tank broke. I literally had no where else to put them so I added them to the main tank. However, the swordtails have been showing symptoms before that.

The thing is, I've noticed most of the swordtails have momentary clamped fins? Like they have them clamped only sometimes and it's usually only the dorsal fin. I've also noticed the very occasional flashing which doesn't worry me because it doesn't seem to be from any kind of illness or parasite. However, I saw a swordtail fry flashing like crazy for almost a minute straight and that did concern me. I think it's not ich because my fish got ich about a month or two ago and I treated it already.

Β I've been meaning to buy a bigger tank, but that might take a while since I have other bigger expenses. I just ran out of water testing kits and I gotta buy those this week for sure. The endler guppies seem just fine. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with my fish?









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ok, reading that again. You grabbed fish and plants from the wild? Are the new ones showing the issues or all of them? Did the ammonia and nitrites spike?


If old fish are showing the clamping, I think I’d remove the new plants. Into a bucket with an air stone. Then check parameters. Next question do you know what the plants are. Do you trust the location where you got them. It may have something in the soil or water. Or pesticides or herbicide on the plantsΒ 

Edited by Tony s
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