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water chemistry

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i have just put 3 small fish into a 6 gallon planted tank. I put in a bit of fertilizer and have a dirt substrate capped with sand. I did a water test and saw pretty high levels of nitrates and elevated levels of nitrite. but my ammonia test said 0. is my dirt substrate leaching nutrients into the water collum? 

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If you’re seeing nitrites, it’s most likely not fully cycled yet. Fertilizers add nitrogen in the form of nitrates. Not nitrites. As nitrites ar still poisonous. When you see them or ammonia, it’s time for a water change. And dechlorination.

Edited by Tony s
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Agreed, if you are seeing nitrites you aren't completely cycled yet. Better than seeing ammonia but not 100% there yet. On a 6 gallon tank you could do a 1 gallon water change everyday to keep things in check if the levels aren't crazy high. This is sometimes better than changing a large amount of water as it keeps the tank more balanced while it completes its cycle.

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