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Breeding gouramis without parental care


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I attempted to breed honey gouramis a few months back. I placed a conditioned male into a 10 gallon tank (lowered water level to about 4-5 inches, sponge filter, heater, air stone with good aeration, and a java moss clump). Placed the female into a deli cup with water into the tank, acting as a physical barrier (since the male chased the female without a bubble nest in previous attempts). Didn't keep her in there for long, as the male prepared a bubble nest.

I then separated the male and female, and left for a few hours. After returning, the male had all his eggs in the bubble nest. He then began eating them and destroying the bubble nest. I removed the male from the tank and salvaged the remaining eggs.

I wasn't sure I could raise them up as there was no information I could find online about raising gouramis without the dad. I lowered the water level even more, to about 1-1.5 inches, and increased the aeration. The next day the fry hatched, and the majority survived into the free-swimming stage.

I began with feeding paramecia, eventually upgrading to vinegar eels and live bbs. The water level was raised very gradually, water changes were tedious, but I used a deli cup to - very carefully - lower the clean water into the tank, tipping the container very slowly to let the water out. I did not raise any water for the first 2 weeks, and then increased it by maybe 1-2 inches every 1.5ish weeks (depending on their size).

I was only able to raise about four fry into the juvenile stage, but I do not think this was due to the lack of a dad. I had very few deaths in the first week. The rest were unfortunately care related, as this was one of my first few times raising fry.

Here are a few photos of them. Sorry for the bad quality lol

honey fry 1.jpg

honey fry 2.jpg

honey fry 3.jpg

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I have very little experience with gourami. Give yourself a pat on the back for your quick action removing the male. Even if it was 1 fry that made it from the egg stage to free-swimming stage and growing. That's quite an accomplishment for your first breeding.  @Gliderzz

Edited by Tlindsey
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