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HELP! parasite/ich/callamanus worms:


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75 gallon: most of my fish- rashboras, cherry barb- others died over time from bloating, loaches, mystery snails, one angel fish, sad one died from the worms, silver fox, placo, and cory's. 

55 gallon: 6 angel fish (three in med tank)

30 gallon med tank- clear bottom: 3 angel fish

I used the Friz Expel-P, and it worked great for the angel, who clearly showed signs. I had a black-orange fin shark that had a dull white spot- and was doing fine but I put him in the 55-gallon because it was less fish, thinking he would like it better. Well, Iit stressed him that he was dipping his head down a lot in the cave, not his usual self swimming around. So i put him in the med tank with my last cherry barb that had something protruding off it's eye. the cherry barb got better, but the shark started getting kidney bladder disease - he was upside down. Then, after using a polyguard- and a quick Epson salt bath, he seemed to be doing better, but then several days later, he took a turn for the worse. His whole face was covered in a white almost like a cloud. to say the least, i felt so bad for this guy; needless to say, he did the following day. 
I have three angels in the med tank - this time is used super ick cure- two times in the last week, and yesterday I saw the parasite like an outline of the white on its back fin. There has been some fin rot with a couple of small white spots. I don't know what else I could do. The water test showed no ammonia and no nitrite. It looks a little cloudy. I do not leave any scraps of food in the tank. I have a bubble wand and one sponge filter, and I recently added an airflow I purchased from you. ItIt helps the tank. Do you have Any recommendations on what it could be and if there is another medicine to use- like another fritz product? I don't see any irritations of the anus with the worms, but could this be from them as well? This tank only received one dose of the expel-p once a little over a month ago. Thank you so much. I love my fish and am trying to do anything I can. I raised the six angels and found myself incredibly close to them. lol thank you kimberly

Edited by kbean
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On 2/26/2024 at 4:48 PM, kbean said:

75 gallon: most of my fish- rashboras, cherry barb- others died over time from bloating, loaches, mystery snails, one angel fish, sad one died from the worms, silver fox, placo, and cory's. 

55 gallon: 6 angel fish (three in med tank)

30 gallon med tank- clear bottom: 3 angel fish

I used the Friz Expel-P, and it worked great for the angel, who clearly showed signs. I had a black-orange fin shark that had a dull white spot- and was doing fine but I put him in the 55-gallon because it was less fish, thinking he would like it better. Well, Iit stressed him that he was dipping his head down a lot in the cave, not his usual self swimming around. So i put him in the med tank with my last cherry barb that had something protruding off it's eye. the cherry barb got better, but the shark started getting kidney bladder disease - he was upside down. Then, after using a polyguard- and a quick Epson salt bath, he seemed to be doing better, but then several days later, he took a turn for the worse. His whole face was covered in a white almost like a cloud. to say the least, i felt so bad for this guy; needless to say, he did the following day. 
I have three angels in the med tank - this time is used super ick cure- two times in the last week, and yesterday I saw the parasite like an outline of the white on its back fin. There has been some fin rot with a couple of small white spots. I don't know what else I could do. The water test showed no ammonia and no nitrite. It looks a little cloudy. I do not leave any scraps of food in the tank. I have a bubble wand and one sponge filter, and I recently added an airflow I purchased from you. ItIt helps the tank. Do you have Any recommendations on what it could be and if there is another medicine to use- like another fritz product? I don't see any irritations of the anus with the worms, but could this be from them as well? This tank only received one dose of the expel-p once a little over a month ago. Thank you so much. I love my fish and am trying to do anything I can. I raised the six angels and found myself incredibly close to them. lol thank you kimberly

Can you post some pictures of the Sick fish have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop 

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They are hanging near the bottom and not eating. I didn't see any stringing poop. 

Today I am purchasing ICH X and kana plex. One of my fish have popeye syndrome too. There fins are deteriorating. I didn't see worms for these three angels. It was another angel fish. I did treat all my tanks with Expel P twice. I am going to do another dose in my main tank just in case. This tank however is ich and possible bacterial issue. 

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On 2/27/2024 at 2:14 PM, kbean said:

They are hanging near the bottom and not eating. I didn't see any stringing poop. 

Today I am purchasing ICH X and kana plex. One of my fish have popeye syndrome too. There fins are deteriorating. I didn't see worms for these three angels. It was another angel fish. I did treat all my tanks with Expel P twice. I am going to do another dose in my main tank just in case. This tank however is ich and possible bacterial issue. 

Am not seeing Ich on your angelfish I can see some issues with the fins I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 2  gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back as salt only removed though water changes for a week it can take 4 full course of expel p to treat camallanus worms one week apart 

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