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I have developed quite the fondness for my 17 gallon spherical fishbowl.


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It is my newest tank, homemade underground filter with easy flow kit adapted to it, a heater, and a small 80 gph powerhead to help improve flow.

The sphere doesn’t show nearly as well in photos as it does in person as you can move around to see where you wish, and gain perspective that is lost in a photo.


I have 4 sparkling gourami that are a treat to watch as they hide in the shadows and dart out to grab a falling bit of food, or just to surprise another sparkling gourami..  No real aggression mind you and all sorts of sight breaks between rocks, plants driftwood…


A big sphere is just perfect for tiny nano fish as it is so magnifying.  My Pygmy Cories look about 1 1/2 inches long when they are at the far side of the tank.  Amazing to watch them shrink down to 5/8 inch as they come up to the front of the tank..  great tank to be able to see tiny little fish in all their grandeur…

I have been trying to get this non co2 supplemented tank in balance with no visual algae.  It has been doing so much better than any prior attempt, but hasn't reached the level I am aiming for yet..  It is still fairly new, with purchased plants as well as donor plants from my high tech tanks, so plants are still adjusting and reprogramming themselves.

I put some Pink Flamingo in from a high tech tank that promptly melted away to nothing, but the roots are sending up lots of new leaves that are growing well..

I had been struggling with thin green threads of algae that were amazingly tough 6-8 inches long as individual strands.  This week to work at knocking it down, I have done 3 separate water changes, one of them removing the driftwood and all rocks as well as the Java Fern in order to really clean up from the substrate, using a turkey baster to suspend detritus from the substrate and then vacuuming the cloud away.  This weekend I will add a small box filter in the back to add some mechanical filtration to the UGF.


Tonight I see no visible Algae in the bowl.  If it continues to look like this I will be content with it at least from the Algae point of view.


I don’t really have questions in this post to be answered, just sharing my observations and thrills with the fishbowl form for Nano fish…image.jpg.4f48c71ad16b70078e965c0a0887bbfd.jpg


Edited by Pepere
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Just to give some perspective on the magnification with a sphere. Here are the rocks outside of the tank.

I pulled everything not rooted again this morning for another round of maintenance… and…IMG_2486.jpeg.558d2226098ae2187224d9021308cf21.jpeg

to install a box filter in order to add mechanical filtration.  Just gravel to weigh it down, and polyfill fluff for filtration.


Here it is in the tank in the back andbI have all the air flow going into the box filter until the water clears . You can see the easy flow kit produces good flow through this medium size Lees triple flow.  The triple flow comes in three sizes.  The Easy Flow friction fits nicely on the medium sized one only. It does not fit on the other two.  Once the water clears I will send some air to the ugf.




Edited by Pepere
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On 2/24/2024 at 9:56 AM, Pepere said:



results after about 40 minutes of running .  That is awfully good flow and mechanical filtration water polishing….

@Pepere That setup looks awesome. 

Do you rinse the gravel off in the filter? I'm asking because the gravel could support beneficial bacteria. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 11:02 AM, Tlindsey said:

Do you rinse the gravel off in the filter? I'm asking because the gravel could support beneficial bacteria. 

I am not planning on it.  But given the undergravel filter plate in the bowl, I am not concerned about the bacteria filtration in the box filter.  It is just there to provide weight to keep the box filter down.   The box filter is there to add flow and water polishing.

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