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Saw a video by Cory on CPDs keep rainbow fish with them?

Nate Duncan

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He posted a video 3 years ago on the CPDs and when talking briefly about tank mates he showed a clip with them and either fork tail or blue eye rainbow fish

Curious if anyone has more info on that? I have 12 or 13 CPDs and want something other than honey/sparkling gouramis or other Rasbora/danios to go with. I have Pygmy’s as well. 

heavily planted 20 long. 


Edited by FISHtankEnthusiast
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I’d rather do Pseudomugil Luminatus or Gertrudae for that size tank. Forktails get a bit bigger, a bit territorial and are pigs. The Luminatus or Gertrude aren’t as voracious when it comes to feeding time so the CPD’s will still be able to get food. 

I currently have all three rainbows but the forktails are in the bigger tank. 

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I keep luminatus, have kept gertrudae and have been breeding CPD for roughly 5 years.

Those are wonderful Tank mates.  You will have no issues with them when it comes to food competition.  

They are all voracious micro predators.  All three actively hunt the substrate and every nook and cranny of the tank.



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