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Cycling/Ammonia help


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On 2/19/2024 at 1:07 AM, Dextreous said:

@Sun.singh1991 My Ph is around 6.8 to 7 something. My temp rests around 74~80 from my heater. So I'm good in those regards.  But how would I raise them if they were low? 

Safe way to raise it is to put some crushed coral or a cuttlefish bone into your hob filter and let it slowly dissolve into carbonate which will raise your pH over time. I do this with all my tanks because carbonate is consumed by nitrifying bacteria as well. 

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Hey guys, it's been about a week now since my post but I had a few things happen. 

1. Nitrites are still pretty high (Same as before)

2. A big algae bloom has happened (pic below)

3. Today I added some Salvinia Minima

So what I'm asking is that if everything is going accordingly? Is this algae too much or is it something I can ignore? 

I know you guys get these questions a lot and I know it's a big waiting game and I apologize but just wanted to see some advice. Thank you.

Cycle recap: 

3 weeks cycling, 2 weeks since ammonia dose, 1 week since ammonia hit 0ppm.



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What’s your nitrite at right now? Still playing the waiting game obviously, but remind us where you’re at?

I would personally start to remove the dead and emersed leaves from your swords. The new leaves grow from the center, and look obviously different than the emersed grown leaves. They’re the taller, way more round, and dying leaves in the pictures. The smaller, pointy, and narrow leaves are the submerged ones. 

Getting rid of those emersed leaves at this point could help manually remove some algae and removing those decaying leaves will leave less organic compounds in the water which should help stave off current future algae. 

Cycling is a waiting game, and then balancing your tank after that is a continued tweak and wait game. It takes a long time, but man is it worth it when your tank is balanced and in a great spot. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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Are you using the api master test kit? The difference between 2ppm and 5ppm is usually pretty distinct. 

I remove the leaves right at the base of the plant, close to the substrate. Those tall stems will just disintegrate into the water as well, so best to remove it as close to the substrate as you can. 

I marked up your picture to try to help and clarify:


I’ve circled some of the emersed grown leaves. Those tall, round leaves. The sharp/pointy/narrow leaves growing out of the center are the underwater version. Then, there’s a mark on the right where I could cut it off. Obviously you want to be careful to not cut other healthy stems, but cut them down by the substrate. 

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For sure. The flash makes it a little difficult. To me it looks more like 2ppm. I could totally be wrong, too. I always put the test tube on a paper towel to have a complete white background to try and see the color the best I can. 

And ya, no worries with the Sword! Give it a couple of years and they’ll be monsters and you’ll have more Swords than you know what to do with like this



Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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What a beautiful and lush tank! Your tank is definitely what my end goal is. What size is your tank, and what fish do you have stocked? I think I see Angelfish, and two other fish types.

And yeah from these pics it's looking like a 2ppm like you said.



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Thanks. It’s a 55 gallon. Currently has 6 Angels (2 of which are some of the first fish I ever got about 4 years ago), 3 Dwarf Neon Rainbows, a handful of remaining Cardinal Tetras, and 15-18 Albino Cory’s that I hatched and raised up. 

Tank is about 4 years old, and the monster Sword on the left is the first aquatic plant I ever bought. All the other swords in that tank and all the other tanks came from that monster sword. I’ve even sent some to other people on the forum and now they’re raising up their own. 

Here’s the oldest picture I have of that tank:


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I wouldn't worry too much about the color of the nitrite test.  If it isn't light blue, don't put fish in.  I would read it as either 0 or infinity.  That's really all you need... 🙂

Edited by Galabar
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