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Have Rainbowfish Developed a Taste For Neon Tetras?


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Back in July last year, I got some neon tetras from Aquahuna and unfortunately had to keep them in quarantine for a long period of time because of some Cories I got from there also contracted epistylis and I didn’t want the disease to spread. So finally after it was over, I was gonna put the neons in a 29g with 5 Australian rainbowfish and 4 zebra danios. And after acclimating them for over an hour, I finally dropped the first tetra in. And barely after a couple seconds, a female rainbowfish chased after it and attempted to eat it. I tried to get it out of there ASAP cause it was pretty much helpless. After getting it out though, it very fortunately recovered, and got put back in the quarantine tank. I was pretty upset because now I can’t put them anywhere else.

Next, a couple days ago I got some Cherry barbs and Praecox rainbowfish. The rainbowfish were about the size of the neons, maybe a little longer. And the same night after putting them in, I saw the rainbows nipping at the neons caudal fins. And the weakest neon was pecked at until I found it dead this morning. I thought that maybe they’re establishing a pecking order or something, but they wouldn’t just kill the neon like that. I get that rainbowfish are very active compared to the slower-moving neons. But I wasn’t expecting rainbows that small to harm them. They aren’t attacking them and trying to eat them, but nipping at them maybe every minute or so. The Cherry barbs get slightly picked at, but not like the neons though, even though the cherries are smaller than the neons.

The quarantine tank is 10 gallons, and for now, I think it’s enough space for a couple weeks until I can move the rainbows to a 75 gallon. 

I only have a 29g and a 75g, so those neons are stuck with those rainbows until they get moved over, should I bring them to my LFS? Cause they both have rainbows that are willing to mess with them constantly.

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I didn’t realize neon rainbows could be fin nippy. I have neons in with angels, they have never shown that behavior. You would think that with the flowing angel fins that would be a very tempting target. Had always heard they were very peaceful. Mine still are 

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On 2/9/2024 at 12:22 AM, tetra said:

Back in July last year, I got some neon tetras from Aquahuna and unfortunately had to keep them in quarantine for a long period of time because of some Cories I got from there also contracted epistylis and I didn’t want the disease to spread. So finally after it was over, I was gonna put the neons in a 29g with 5 Australian rainbowfish and 4 zebra danios. And after acclimating them for over an hour, I finally dropped the first tetra in. And barely after a couple seconds, a female rainbowfish chased after it and attempted to eat it. I tried to get it out of there ASAP cause it was pretty much helpless. After getting it out though, it very fortunately recovered, and got put back in the quarantine tank. I was pretty upset because now I can’t put them anywhere else.

Next, a couple days ago I got some Cherry barbs and Praecox rainbowfish. The rainbowfish were about the size of the neons, maybe a little longer. And the same night after putting them in, I saw the rainbows nipping at the neons caudal fins. And the weakest neon was pecked at until I found it dead this morning. I thought that maybe they’re establishing a pecking order or something, but they wouldn’t just kill the neon like that. I get that rainbowfish are very active compared to the slower-moving neons. But I wasn’t expecting rainbows that small to harm them. They aren’t attacking them and trying to eat them, but nipping at them maybe every minute or so. The Cherry barbs get slightly picked at, but not like the neons though, even though the cherries are smaller than the neons.

The quarantine tank is 10 gallons, and for now, I think it’s enough space for a couple weeks until I can move the rainbows to a 75 gallon. 

I only have a 29g and a 75g, so those neons are stuck with those rainbows until they get moved over, should I bring them to my LFS? Cause they both have rainbows that are willing to mess with them constantly.

Yes Australian Rainbowfish will eat small fish. Unfortunately Neons look like food to some species of fish. I suggest doing research prior to purchasing fish. 

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Might not be as easy as that. Google can’t make its mind up as to which species it is exactly. Most likely fluviatilis. But lists lots of other species. 

but rule of thumb, it doesn’t matter the type of fish, if it looks like it can fit in the mouth of a bigger fish, it’s going to 

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On 2/9/2024 at 12:49 PM, NOLANANO said:

I have no idea if this is actually the case but could it be too many fish in a small area? I know fish will sometimes get territorial in a small space even if they aren't really an aggressive species.  

I think mostly size difference. normal rainbows can get 4-6 inches 

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On 2/9/2024 at 4:42 AM, Tlindsey said:

Yes Australian Rainbowfish will eat small fish. Unfortunately Neons look like food to some species of fish. I suggest doing research prior to purchasing fish. 

I got more neons because when I first got the rainbows and the danios around 3 years ago, I also had neon tetras with them. I get that they were smaller but even then a couple years later, the rainbows weren’t interested in the old neons that were in there, despite being nearly full grown. I thought it would work because the rainbows were never interested, I guess they changed their minds.

But, Lately, the larger Australian rainbowfish have matured and are now more aggressive and colorful, acting almost like cichlids in the breeding season as well. Not crazy like killing other fish, but just chasing. The males are probably 4 inches with the alpha male being 4.5 inches or so.

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On 2/9/2024 at 10:12 PM, tetra said:

I got more neons because when I first got the rainbows and the danios around 3 years ago, I also had neon tetras with them. I get that they were smaller but even then a couple years later, the rainbows weren’t interested in the old neons that were in there, despite being nearly full grown. I thought it would work because the rainbows were never interested, I guess they changed their minds.

But, Lately, the larger Australian rainbowfish have matured and are now more aggressive and colorful, acting almost like cichlids in the breeding season as well. Not crazy like killing other fish, but just chasing. The males are probably 4 inches with the alpha male being 4.5 inches or so.

Yes agree about cichlids had a few that changed behavior as they matured 😆

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