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Stocking 55 Gallon options?


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Hi! im looking for some stocking options for my 55 gallon tank.
Right now I have:
1 Bristlenose Pleco
1 Zebra Pleco
2 Raphael Catfish (1 spotted/1 striped) like
3 tetras (They've been getting slowly eaten I think by the raphaels......so smaller fish isn't a good idea)
6 Kuhli loaches
A few snails
Right now I have a Fluval 407 and a Aquarium Coop LARGE sponge filter (It's also planted) and a sandy substrate.
The Kuhli loaches hide most of the time (as do the raphael's) so im looking for something active for the bottom and also maybe some sort of middle/top swimming fish that is HARDY and does ok in a 76-77 temp and 7.8ish pH.
AqaAdvisor says im at 81% stocking (Which feels higher than it should be) but my filtration is 241%.
Any Ideas?
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On 1/19/2024 at 3:15 PM, Mercfh said:
Hi! im looking for some stocking options for my 55 gallon tank.
Right now I have:
1 Bristlenose Pleco
1 Zebra Pleco
2 Raphael Catfish (1 spotted/1 striped) like
3 tetras (They've been getting slowly eaten I think by the raphaels......so smaller fish isn't a good idea)
6 Kuhli loaches
A few snails
Right now I have a Fluval 407 and a Aquarium Coop LARGE sponge filter (It's also planted) and a sandy substrate.
The Kuhli loaches hide most of the time (as do the raphael's) so im looking for something active for the bottom and also maybe some sort of middle/top swimming fish that is HARDY and does ok in a 76-77 temp and 7.8ish pH.
AqaAdvisor says im at 81% stocking (Which feels higher than it should be) but my filtration is 241%.
Any Ideas?

@Mercfh what specie of Tetra were eaten? I suggest a high bodied species. 

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