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Trying for Borneo loaches again

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Once again saw a batch of them at Petco, only this time all but one were already dead.  The survivor was laying on its side in the gravel and I thought it was dead too until a goldfish tried to take a nip and flipped it over.  It was still breathing and wriggled a bit.   Goldfish was disappointed, I decided I needed to try to save this fish.  

He hung out in a bowl with a bubbler for about a week; once it looked like he was going to make it, I did some rearranging and got him a dedicated tank set up.

Any ideas on species?  Some Gastromyzon sp. but I’d like to narrow it down so as to hopefully get him friends, maybe establish a breeding group.

I’m not sure if I was to go to a very good, semi-local fish store that is likely to have healthier fish, but maybe not the same species, vs waiting on the Petco getting more in - likely to be in rough shape, but make likely to be the exact same.



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