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rainbow not eating


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Tried api general cure (2 doses). Then sulfaplex. Kanaplex (both 2 doses). Finally maracyn oxy (1 dose).


He is a handsome guy. Dont want to lose him. But wont eat. Coming from 125g batch of rainbows. Now in a 20g quaratine tank.


Video attached.




Water parameters. 0 ammonia. 0 nitrite. Just did a large water change. Old filters.

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On 1/14/2024 at 1:08 AM, appeet said:

Yes. It lost weight. He was atleast 25% bigger

What I would do is treat with Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks you could add a small amount of seachems garlic guard to his food to try and simulate his appetite 

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